P&L International Home Staff


Looking to hire a housekeeper? Find out how she can help you

Do you need the help of a professional housekeeper to carry out all your household chores? If so, you have probably asked yourself many questions related to her duties, whether it is what tasks you can assign her or what type of work regime you can hire her. Don’t worry about it if you decide to hire a domestic employee, do it with a specialized agency like P&L International Home Staff, where we will provide you with the best advice so that all your doubts are solved even before hiring our services.

Discover all the details about our housekeeper service

More and more families are deciding to hire a domestic helper to take care of all the household chores that need to be done because they face the problem of not having enough time in the day to do them themselves.

However, when they ask us for our services, we find that they have many questions, which arise from the lack of knowledge about the profile of the professionals or about the type of contract they can execute in our agency. For this reason, at P&L International Home Staff, we have perfected our customer service to ensure you the best advice at every step of the process of hiring your maid.

What tasks can you assign to your maid?

One of the questions we get asked the most is what tasks they can assign to their housekeepers. For this reason and so that you do not doubt it, we are going to highlight the main tasks that your housekeeper can perform:

  • Cleaning and tidying the home: This is the main task of your maid. She will be responsible for all the cleaning and domestic maintenance, always prioritizing the areas you indicate and the necessary products for each of the surfaces that you have in your home.
  • Doing the laundry: Washing, hanging, or ironing clothes is something that generates a lot of stress because you don’t have enough time. Do not worry, assign it to your domestic employee will be able to take care of all these tasks and, thus, enjoy your clothes always ready.
  • Shopping: This is a time-consuming task, so at P&L International Home Staff, we recommend you assign it to your employee. She will be responsible for shopping cleaning, or cooking products.

P&L International Home Staff is always by your side

When you trust us, you are assured of the best service and advice. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the schedule of your housekeeper because, at P&L International Home Staff, you will have a professional available 24 hours a day, all year round. Contact us, and we will select the best housekeeper for you and your family.


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